Over 250 Turkeys!

2023 Turkey drive in the books! There were so many stories! There were so many people prayed for! Over 250 turkeys were given away. The people were so thankful! We heard some very touching stories last night. One lady and her son explained how it’s been a very rough year. Her other son passed away…

Hand Out Turkeys

Today we get to hand out turkeys! We will also be serving a hot full thanksgiving meal! This will happen @ Kaleo Church (525 north Oxford, Tulsa). This will take place @ 6pm. There will be a drive thru set up for turkeys. The gym will be open to the public for a hot meal!…

Very Honest

Last night on the bus was great! We had lots of visitors with us. One that stands out was Jason! We picked him up on the streets two weeks ago. He had just gotten out of prison. He is now in an Oxford house. He is now working. He wanted to come out and serve…

Emergency Situation

How the Lord works! So we went out last night on the bus. It started out a little slow. There were lots of people out there on the streets. They were all so thankful for the pizza, bibles, and hygiene packs. Yet, here is how the Lord works! A lady came aboard the bus with…

3 Weeks in a Row

Last night on the bus was incredible. What  are the chances of us picking up the same guy for the past 3 weeks? That’s how God works! Please pray for this gentleman. His name is Israel. He struggles with drug use and demonic witchcraft stuff. He will literally come aboard the bus and things will be…

Never Gets Old!

This guy was saved about 3 months ago. His life has had some crazy twists and turns. He was homeless. This guy has been working with me doing odd jobs etc. One of the things I have him do is clean out campers that I buy. Last week I had him clean out a trailer…

Different Night

Last night on the bus was a little different. There were not many people out on the streets. We were able to minister to just a few people. Aubrey, Christian, a lady, and another gentleman. Aubrey rode with us. He had a familiar story. He struggles with drug use. He accepted Christ @ eight years…

Turkey Drive 2024

It is that time of the year again! It is time for our annual Turkey Drive!! We are raising funds for turkeys! We will be handing out free turkeys on Saturday the 25th of November. We will be partnering with Kaleo church in Tulsa. They will be making a home cooked meal in their gym….

Thankful to get a Bible

We met so many new faces last night on the bus! KC, Dave, Terry, Shadow, Rochelle, Chris,Cornelius and Ellen are just a few of their names..The Lord is so faithful. Every one of these people have a unique story. God made them precious in HIS sight. Dave and KC have severe back and neck problems….

They All have a Story

How the Lord works! We met so many new faces on the bus last night ! Israel, Maurice, Devin, Troy, are just a few of the names. They all have a story! God has a plan for their lives ! We also met a couple with young children, they are staying at a local shelter….