Lots of New People

Last night on the bus was great. We went a different route and decided on Admiral boulevard. There were lots of new people we met on the streets. We met a young man, his girlfriend, and his mother. They were all alcoholics. They started drinking at a very young age. We were able to talk…

Prayer with Lots of People

Great night on the bus. We met Joshua (32 years old), he came aboard and road with us for the evening. He has been on the streets for 7 Months. He struggles with meth and some mental health issues. He was a very nice guy and seemed eager for change. Lord willing he will call…

Lord, Rescue Them

We had a great night on the bus. We started a little late, yet the Lord showed up like usual. We specifically prayed for the opportunity to see Derrick again. The Lord answers prayer! We found Derrick walking down 11th Street wrapped in a comforter. He came aboard the bud. Please continue to pray for…

A Different Route

Last night was incredible. We ended up taking a different route-Gods plan. We picked up (Jackie) approx 60 years old. She was a very sweet lady who has had a rough few years. She has been raped twice while on the streets. She has lost a daughter to murder, and another daughter is missing. Jackie…

Life Changing Decisions

First night out in 2021 was great. We met lots of new faces. There were lots of people in one particular parking lot. We had the opportunity to minister to many hurting people. We met a gentleman (Drew) who has some life changing decisions to make. Please pray for him to surrender his addiction to…

Toys and More Toys!

Well the toy drive went incredible. Special Shoutout to the BAFD Nienhuis location. Those firefighters went above and beyond. They truly served their community today. They hung out with us almost 4 hours, escorting us around BA and handing out presents. It was great. There was a young lady (Ashley) who we met. She was…

I Love You

It’s a wrap, folks. Last night was our last outing for 2020. We met many folks who simply needed a ride home or to downtown Tulsa. One gentleman came onboard and asked for a blanket. He was extremely thankful. He kept saying “I love you” over and over. There were many others who were fed….

Giving Rides

Last night on the bus was great. Sebastian brought his friend Tyler and they rode with us all night. We were also joined by a pastor from a church in the area where we do ministry. This church is the one that (Jon) was saved at 20 years ago (Christview Christian Church). It is Crazy…

Turkey Drive 2020

The Turkey Drive of 2020 is complete. There were many pallets of Turkeys, chickens, produce, new toys and clothing given away in 2 communities. Everyone was so thankful. Some people were literally crying over the outpouring of love into their lives. A Simple turkey can brighten someone’s life. There were many stories heard of desperate…

Heart Wrenching

Last night on the bus was heart wrenching. We got started a little earlier than normal. We met up with Christy, Mike, and another gentleman. They have been on the bus with us before. Christy was excited to tell us that she has one week of sobriety off methamphetamines. Mike was excited to tell us…