Interesting Night

Last night on the bus as well..interesting. We met lots of new faces. We met a gentleman who was hauling his marijuana plant (in a wheelbarrow) down the road.. He even had a fake plastic rose to maintain a low profile. Lol! We can’t make this stuff up. Then we met a lady named “Anna,”…

Interesing Night

Interesting night on the bus. We started out by ministering to a gentleman very close to where we meet every week. He was staying under the BA expressway. The bus decided to act up and blew an air hose soon thereafter. We are very thankful that we were not out in the streets when this…

Extremely Blessed

Great night on the bus. We met lots of new faces. There were lots of people in need of prayer and pizza. They were nourished spiritually and physically. We met a couple (Gage and Sarah), they were in their early 20’s. Both of them struggle with meth. Gage just got out of jail. We were…

15 Years

How the Lord works! Last night on the bus was incredible. We were able to give an employee from Little Caesars a ride home from work. He was able to see what ministry on the streets looks like. He cooks the pizzas for us every week! We met lots of news faces on the streets….

Christ Alone

It was a beautiful night on the bus. We met so many new faces on the streets. We met a young lady who wants to go to church this Sunday! Exciting! We will have one of our church partners reach out to her and pick her up. We were able to give a gentleman a…

The Assembly Ladies

Great night on the bus. We were joined by some ladies that go to the Assembly in Broken Arrow. They were eager to pour life into the ladies on the streets of Tulsa! The Lord did just that. HE sent plenty of women whom we have not met before. They came aboard and rode with…

Long Term Housing

Last night was incredible. We were joined by (2) youth groups! Lots of exciting things happened.. First and foremost Terri got her drivers license and a car!! It’s been 10 years !! The Lord continues to do amazing things in her life! Next, we hit the streets and met a few people. We Met Tiffany..she…

Down Admiral

Last night on the bus was great. We went down Admiral and lots of people were Out. We met a mom and her daughter who were recently evicted. They are staying with a friend. Her daughter was asking for shoes. She was about 6 years old. One of our ladies brought her dog with her…

Pray for Elizabeth

Last night was great. The weather was beautiful. We met lots of new faces. The Lord sent us lots of people who were in need. They were fed physically and spiritually. We met Elizabeth, she is 31 years old. She has lost 3 out of 4 kids to DHS. She has been drugs since she was…

Truckload of Bibles

How the Lord works! A businessman just delivered a truckload of bibles to my house! All leather! Large print! Pumped!! Amen!!! Incredible!