Category: General

Grieving Family

Very touching night on the bus. The Lord showed up and brought the folks to minister to. We were able to comfort and pray for a family, who just lost a loved one to murder. They were all in town for his funeral (today). The mother of this mans child was suffering the effects of…

New Bus is Here

The second bus has arrived! The bus was donated to us from Faith Baptist Church located in Salina, Utah. It made the 1150 Miles trip with no issues. We are looking forward to updating the bus. It will be a blessing to so many. The Lord will use it for HIS glory.

Night with Kaleo

Blessed night on the bus last night. We partnered with Kaleo church and went to Apache Manor Apartments. The kids were waiting for us to arrive. They immediately helped us set up upon arrival. Such a blessing! There were so many people to minister to. Relationships were strengthened, while others were established for the first…

1 Week Away

Some very exciting news! We are one week away from getting the second bus. We are very thankful for all the money that has came in. So far $5330 bucks!!! We only need about $2700 more to get this bus outfitted for ministry. The Lord continues to provide like always. If you feel led to…

The Lord Sends the Right People

Great night on the bus last night. We had lots of visitors with us, including a senior adult lady in her eighties. The Lord opened so many doors for ministering opportunities. We ended the night in Normandy Apartments. Lots of people enjoyed pizza, and the Gospel was shared as well. Relationships are being built and…

Getting a 2nd Bus

We have some big news for to announce! We are getting a second bus! It is being donated to us! We need your help! So many people stepped up 3 years ago when we got the double decker bus. This is your chance to partner with us again. This new (used) bus is a…

Lifegate Freedom Ranch

Last night with the bus crew was touching. We went to Lifegate Freedom Ranch in Sapulpa. We were blessed with the opportunity to bring them pizza. I was able to preach the service for the men. They have a wide variety of men in their program. They have folks there from all over the country….

Touching Night

Very touching night on the bus. So many things happened. I will name a few. First and foremost we were joined by Terry. She use to be on the streets involved in prostitution and drug use, she now has almost 2 years clean! The Lord used her in a mighty way. We picked up “Tracey”…

building Relationships

Great night on the bus. We continued to build relationships with folks in the community. We met lots of new folks as well. Many were prayed for and fed. Please pray that hearts will continue to be stirred and ultimately changed. Thankful for all the help. Thankful for the lady who bought all the pizza…

A Night with Kaleo

Great night serving with Kaleo church. The best part is watching teenagers who we met on the bus, then were saved, then baptized, and are now serving others in the community. That’s what it is about. The Gospel does not return void. HE is faithful. Thankful for opportunities to build relationships with folks in Apache…