Category: General

Normandy apartments

Very touching night on the bus. We met lots of folks on the streets. From the drug addict to the soon to be homeless guy (Darryl). Darryl was very hungry. He was on his bike carrying dog food for his Labrador. He made the comment “you know I would rather have food for my dog…

New Bus Outside Complete

The outside is complete! Now the work on the inside begins..Thankful for all who donate to this ministry! Thankful for Faith Baptist in Salina Utah for donating the bus! Thankful for Full Tilt Wraps and their incredible work! Thankful for Rich, Genieve, Doug, and so many others who serve with us! So many people to…

What is Get Out of the Bus

Lots of folks ask what Get Out of the Bus is all about. This video gives a great explanation. Thankful for all who serve with us to make this happen every week. Thankful for the support. Thankful for a risen Savior who rescues human beings daily. Thankful for Zach and his video skills. Please consider…

2nd Bus Update

It’s getting pretty serious. Painting is complete! Lord willing, this beast will get wrapped soon! Special shoutout to Karoll Martin body shop for the donated paint! You guys are a blessing!

Turkey Drive 2018

  We are 18 days away from our annual turkey ? drive. We can get turkeys for 95 cents per pound. They weigh about 12 pounds each. That’s pretty cheap. How many can you donate towards? We have numerous places to drop off a gift card or you can simply donate on our website.…

Normandy Apartments

Amazing Grace! Last night on the bus was great. We met lots of teenagers on the streets. We gave rides to some others. It was pretty chilly outside. They were thankful for rides home. We ended the evening in Normandy Apartments. The kids were excited to see us. We were able to encourage some adults…

18 Days

We are 18 days away from our annual turkey ? drive. We can get turkeys for 95 cents per pound. They weigh about 12 pounds each. That’s pretty cheap. How many can you donate towards? We have numerous places to drop off a gift card or you can simply donate on our website. Chris…

What is Get Out of the Bus about?

Lots of folks ask what Get Out of the Bus is all about. This video gives a great explanation. Thankful for all who serve with us to make this happen every week. Thankful for the support. Thankful for a risen Savior who rescues human beings daily. Thankful for Zach and his video skills. Please consider…

Emmanuel BC Youth

Great night on the bus last night. So many opportunities to share the Lords truth with people. We were joined by Emmanuel Baptist church. Their youth group was very intentional with loving people. The Lord showed up like usual. Lots of pizza was handed out, along with bibles and hygiene items. Thankful for all who…

He Rescues

Last night was great. Relationships were built and strengthened, and the Gospel was shared. Yet, what was incredible to see was the following…A teenage girl who use to come out with us, called and wanted to join us. We had not seen her in a long time. She was in a bad living situation. Her…