Category: General


Servanthood! Last night this was on full display! We almost immediately met Anna and Mark. They came aboard the bus. We were able to minister to them for at least an hour. It was very powerful. Mark has been on meth for three years. He is 30 years old. His girlfriend Anna has been on…

Last night on the bus was…interesting. We immediately picked up a young man (17, Michael). Very nice kid. He was very thankful for the ride. He is trying to say out of trouble. We were able to talk to him for a bit. Next, we headed to Admiral. Things got interesting. There were LOTS of…

Mormons on Bicycles

Last night on the bus was great. We met up with some Mormons on bicycles. We were able to converse with them for a long time and give them some pizza. They were very thankful. Next, we headed towards 11th St. and met lots of new faces. One lady was 28 years old. She has…

Lots of Folks

Last Night on the bus was a little chilly. The night started out slow. The Lord began to send lots of people for us to minister to after about 30 minutes. Folks were very hungry physically and spiritually. The Lord opened up the door for us to pray with lots of folks in need. We…

They Have A Story

Last night on the bus was beautiful. We chose to go a different route and met lots of new faces. James, Dana, David, Cathy, Dinata, Travis are just a few of the names. All these people have a story. They were not always on the streets.These people just want to be heard.  The Lord allowed us…

Very Cold Night

Last night was great. We met lots of people waiting for the city bus. We were able to give them rides immediately to get them out of the cold. It was quite chilly on the streets. There were many sleeping outside. It was sad to see. The Lord equipped us to give out lots of…


Last Night was eventful on the bus. We attempted to take out the single level bus however it started acting up. We immediately parked it and took out the Double Decker Bus. The night began by ministering to a young couple named Keely and William. They have been on the streets for quite some time….

Tough Spot in Life

Last night on the bus went great. The single level bus performed incredible. We had heat for the first time this winter! We almost immediately met April. She was in a tough spot in life. She had been evicted and lost her kids to DHS. She was crying. She was literally walking with her water…

Same Names

Last night on the bus was incredible. We met two gentlemen with the name Antonio! Back to back! Then seconds later David (who serves with us), invited another gentleman aboard. His name was David too! Pretty wild! We were able to minister to these men for quite some time. Antonio (the first) was concerned about…

Back on the Bus

Great Night back on the bus. We met lots and lots of new faces. We were able to feed and minister to lots of folks. The Lord allowed us to give out a few Bibles. We attempted to give a young lady a ride, yet the night was cut short. We had a tire blowout…