Super Seniors
Thankful for the super senior adults (80 and up) from Arrow Heights Baptist who donated a whole SUV full of hygiene packs, bibles, etc. You are never too old to serve the Lord! They even labeled everything! One senior adult even called in the pizza order and paid for all the pizzas tonight. Thankful for one of our ladies who makes fresh desert every week! She dropped off lots of brownies. It was just Rich and I out on the bus tonight. We hit the streets of Tulsa giving out pi…zza and prayer, and brownies. We were able to feed multiple families whom We encountered. I was able to jump out of the bus at a few stoplights and hand out pizzas. People were very thankful. We met lots of new faces tonight on the streets. Thankful for the opportunity to build new relationships. Thankful for Jesus who is the Author of Hope. Bless you.