Get Back Home
How the Lord works. Last night was very touching. First and foremost we were joined by Kervin (him on the left in pic @ little ceasars). We met him last week (see last weeks post). He was in a very rough spot (expired passport, bad housing situation , etc). He was wanting to get back to his country to be with his son. He has been in the United States for six years. He has had so many twists and turns in his life. He was with us last night serving people!! It was very powerful to watch. He has a huge heart for serving people!! We immediately picked up a family and took them to the shelter. The father/husband was picked up by immigration, and he is awaiting trial to see if he can stay in this country. The family was very quiet. The children’s ages were from 13 years old down to three years old. They did not talk much at all however, they were very hungry. We were able to drop them off at the Salvation Army. They have been staying there for the past month. We were able to pray over them. We were able to minister to many more on the streets. Downtown Tulsa is quite congested with homeless folks. From teenagers to senior citizens they are everywhere. They were all so thankful for the frozen waters, pizzas, hygiene packs and bibles. We ended the evening praying over Kervin. This morning he has officially embarked on the journey back to His country. We have given him the resources to get back home. It will be an act of God. We pray that the journey gets completed without incident. He has no current passport. We tried to contact the embassy in Belize.. to no avail. We have constructed a discreet plan that is under execution as this is typed. HE IS ON HIS WAY. The first part of the journey is underway. Please please pray for Kervin. The Lord is in this! HE will protect him. HE is a child of the one true king! Kervin has already given us an update today. He is making progress!!! It takes faith of a mustard seed!!! Also, please pray for this family we picked up last night. Those kids were hurting. You could see it in those children’s eyes. Pleased pray for all of the others we ministered to last night. Please pray for people to be rescued from the darkness. The Lord WILL do it. HE is on the throne!