New Shoes!
Great night on the bus. We met Alex by 11th and Garnett. Very Sad deal. He has been on meth for the past 4 years. He has recently chosen Fetanyol as his drug of choice. He was coming off his high when we picked him up. We found him on Facebook and showed him a picture of himself. This was only 4 years ago. Drastic change. Looks like a Completely different person. He Looks like an old man now. Realistically he is prob 35. He has lost his family. Kids. House. Automotive engineer Job.. and the list goes on. He got quite emotional when we showed him a pic of his daughter. He says he is “tired of the path he is on”. He says “he will call when he ready “. The Fetanyol is a dice roll every time one uses it. One snort, shot, puff, can lead to death at any moment. Very dangerous gamble to take. Please please Pray for Alex. He has to want to live. We met lots of other new faces last night. We met a gentleman named Adam. He struggles with severe mental health issues. Pray for him as well. Pray specifically that he will be patient enough to utilize the resources available to him. We ended the evening ministering to a homesless gentleman. His ex had dropped off his daughter to hang out with him for a few hours. While we were there another guy pulled up (in his vehicle) and gave him some new shoes! True story! Please pray him as well. The Lord knows his name. We gave him our info. The Lord continues to send just the right people in his perfect timing. So powerful.