They Have A Story
Last night on the bus was beautiful. We chose to go a different route and met lots of new faces. James, Dana, David, Cathy, Dinata, Travis are just a few of the names. All these people have a story. They were not always on the streets.These people just want to be heard. The Lord allowed us to spend lots of time Doing life with people. They were very thankful for the pizza, prayer, hygiene packs and Bibles. The Lord continues to open up that door for us to build relationships with people on the streets. We had never met any of these people last night. The homeless population is definitely growing on the streets of Tulsa. People are in desperate need of true HOPE that delivers! Jesus delivers! Jesus saves! Jesus rescues from the DOMINION of DARKNESS! Please pray for all these people we encountered last night. Please pray specifically for the ones who don’t know Jesus to surrender TO HIM in saving faith. Please pray for the ones who profess to know him to allow the Lord to change their lives. We all have pride, we all think we can do things on our own. Yet, Victory is found in Jesus. He walked this earth just as we did. Yet, he did not SIN. Then HE was crucified for OUR SIN. However, that is not the end of the story. HE rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, that we may have eternal life with HIM. HE rose again. HE conquered SIN. We must give him the reigns for our lives! He delivers! thankful for all who came out last night and served with us.. We had lots of guests! Thankful for all who donate every week to allow us to continue to do this for HIS GLORY!