So Many Things Happened
Powerful night on the bus. The Lord showed up in a mighty way. We hit the streets and so many things happened. First and foremost We never usually have bicycles with us on the (Double Decker) bus for lack of space downstairs. Yet, we are transitioning into a new temporary facility. We now had plenty of space and a bike on board. Next thing we know a guy comes aboard and asks if “can I have that bike “? We see this gentleman all the time. He cleans peoples windshields for money in the area where we do ministry. Someone had stolen his bicycle. That’s how the Lord works! Next, we picked up a lady who was pretty distraught. All of her belongings were at another location and she did not have the phone number to get a hold of the person. So she came aboard and we took her to that location. She was able to get all of her belongings (about 15 trash bags). While we were in the area with this lady, we decided to check on a ministry partner in the area. As we were walking into their facility a guy came at us very aggressively. He was using all kinds of foul language and wanting to fight. Yet, the Lord worked in this situation as well. One of our servants (Eli) literally rebuked this man right there on the sidewalk. Next thing we know (Eli) is praying for him and he is eating the pizza we give out. Incredible! That’s how the Lord works! We dropped off the lady whom we picked up earlier. She was extremely grateful for us helping her. The ladies prayed for her. The Lord orchestrated people, places, and things exactly where they needed to be for HIS glory!
The night ended With us pulling into a parking lot trying to help a gentleman with a broke down vehicle. Our team got out and began to pray with them. One of the guys was homeless and he lives in his truck. We were able to minister to them and encourage them. We gave them Our phone number to try to help them with resources. They were very thankful for the pizza, bibles, and prayer. Well the night got even better…There were two other cars that pulled in with people who requested prayer. Right there in the parking lot. That’s how the Lord works! Powerful!
Then this morning it gets better! Earlier in the day (yesterday) we had met with another ministry partner to give them some of our stuff out of storage. We gave them lots of clothing, blankets, and a barber chair. This morning he (Levi) sends us a picture of a lady getting her hair done last night! Praise God!
Thankful for all who came last night! Thankful for all who donate to this ministry! Thankful for those who pray for this ministry every week!