Deals on the Streets
How the Lord works. Last night on the bus was interesting! The first guy we picked up had just bought a whole pineapple off someone on the streets for a buck ! Some deals on the streets! He rode with us for the evening. He goes by the name of “Mr. Walker”. He had lots and lots of jewelry on. Interesting jewelry! He got out of prison recently. He struggles with drug use. He says he will “do any drug he can get his hands on”. He was thankful for the pizza and Bible. He gave almost everyone on the bus some sort of jewelry. Charms, necklaces, earrings, and all kinds of jewelry trinkets. He had it all. Pray for him! He needs Jesus! Next, we picked up Nathan. He is 38 years old. He has been an addict for 20 years. He shoots up meth daily. He has no children. He had a girlfriend (whom we have met in the past). She recently has gotten off the streets. He is missing her. They were together for 5 years. It was a drug motivated relationship. He says he wants to get off the streets as well. Yet, he wants to find his girlfriend. He seems to think she is going to return to the bridge they lived under previously. He was quite emotional while talking about his life. We explained how toxic these sort of relationships are. One will want to get clean, while the other wants to get high. Then one relapses and the other feeds the addiction. It becomes so toxic. We see this cycle so often. We were able to give options to him. He has the opportunity to get well. The Lord will rescue. Yet, Nathan must be submissive to the Holy Spirit. He says he knows Jesus. He says he had been saved earlier in life. Please pray for Nathan and Mr. Walker. The Lord is in the heart transformation business. Psalm 51:10 is very clear, “Create in me a pure heart oh Lord and renew a steadfast spirit within me “. The Lord can do it ! HE is faithful!