Pray for Salvation
Our first outing of the year was great. We met all new faces. David, Phillip, JB, Malcom, Ron, Marliesha are just a few of the names. We were able to minister to all of these folks. They were thankful for the pizza and bibles. Ron was a gentleman walking on Admiral. He was wanting to go the hospital. He had an infected hand from a dog bite. We were able to give him a ride to a local hospital. He was crying tears of joy. He was so thankful. Ron knows Jesus as his Savior.
He has just fallen on hard times. The Lord is so faithful. HE orchestrated the evening! Please pray for all of the names mentioned. Pray for salvation to Happen. Each of these people all have a story. They all are made in the image of God. The Lord Rescues from the darkness of the enemy.