Got Carrots?

How the Lord works! What are the chances of someone donating carrots to the ministry?…. then we see three people on horses at 21st and Garnett! They said that their horses like carrots, this opened the door to have a conversation about the Lord. The horses left happy! Pretty crazy! Just rolling down the sidewalk on Garnett! We met many other new faces last night.

Jane – husband domestic issues
Susan- requested Prayer and left quickly
Aimee- needs a home
Calvin and Joshua- struggling with drug use
Devani -needs job
Justin -recent relapse
TJ -has questions about God
Quinn -guardian of two teenage girls (we met them at the car wash) very interested in finding a church home.

The Lord continues to do what only HE can do every week. Please Pray for all of the people mentioned. HE is mighty to save. We are thankful for all who donate to make this happen every week. We are thankful for the faithful servants who join us on the bus! The Lord is faithful.