Driving Around North Tulsa

How the Lord works! The bus now has working AC. The bus now has a back up Camera! We hit the streets last night, and the Lord did not disappoint! We picked up a young lady whom we met on the street years ago. She is off the streets now. She is staying with her grandmother. How about how God works! We had a lady on the bus who knows her grandmother very well! She was able to pray with her!  Next, we picked up Jimmy. Someone had called the ministry about him earlier in the week. He is homeless. He just got out of jail. He is a barber. A barber shop has been kind enough to let him sleep in there barbershop in North Tulsa. We were able to take him and get him lots of stuff for hygiene, underwear and socks, etc. He was extremely thankful. The Lord is going to open up the door for housing soon! We ended up driving around North Tulsa last night. It was incredible. It is definitely an eye-opener out there. Lots of lost people. Lots of people struggling spirituality, financially, and physically. The Lord did even more! We met up with Clint!  Clint is a gentleman whom we met 4 months ago on the streets. He was strung out on fentanyl. He had been addicted to fentanyl for 10 years. He explained that he is now in a program, and graduates in November. He has four months of sobriety under his belt. He knows Jesus. He was so thankful. He was so joyful. He looks completely different. That is how the Lord works! HE rescues from
 the dominion of darkness!! Please pray for Clint, and all the others we met! The Lord will do the impossible!  Getoutofthebus.org