Bus is Back!
We had the bus back on the streets last night! We are so thankful for the repair shop that has been working on it. They actually have our AC blowing ice cold! There is still more work to be done, yet we are thankful for the progress! I we hit the streets last night, and the Lord did his thing as usual. We picked up a gentleman, and he rode with us most of the evening. He was a nice guy. He was on his way to the casino. We met another gentleman at Quiktrip. He is 56 years old. He struggles with drug use. He was brutally honest about his problem. He was having bike tube difficulties. He had probably 25 patches on 1 tube. We tried to get him some bike tubes for his bicycle. Walmart was out. Lord willing he will call today so we can get him some tubes for his bicycle. The Lord sent us a young lady named, Rosetta. She lives on the streets or in hotels. She has been doing this for the past year. She has two children (7,5). She struggles with drug use. She knows there is a strong possibility of her losing her children. The children are living in the hotel with her currently. We were able to give her a bunch of pizza to bring to them. She got very emotional when talking about her life. Please pray for her to call us. We have the ability to help her get into a program with her children. She must take the first step and reach out for the help offered. Please pray for all of the others we met last night. There are so many new faces that we met. Each one of these individuals has a unique story. God has a plan for them. Pray for them to surrender to God’s plan, which is far greater than their plan. HE can transform their Life! We have been seeing the Lord do numerous things behind the scenes. We just got a call this week about a lady wanting to come off the streets. She is now in a detox program. The next step will be going to a long-term program. Please pray for her as well. Her name is Sarah. Please pray for all the others. The Lord is faithful !