Ready to Trust
How the Lord works ! The Lord showed up big last night ! It was quite hot, but God….
We picked up Preval, he was from Haiti. He drove to Tulsa from Miami on Wednesday. He brought his girlfriend to see some family. That had a domestic situation and he was walking the streets. He wanted to go back home. He requested a ride to the Greyhound station. We were able to give him a ride and pray with him. He was thankful for the pizza and Bible. He explained how he got to the USA. He went through Chile and then spent a month in a jungle.. eventually getting into the USA. Pretty crazy! He was determined to start a new life, he now works at Amazon in Miami. Please pray for him. He says he is not quite ready to follow Jesus in saving faith. Next, we met some other folks outside a bar on 11th street. They were all in their early 20’s. They were very nice. One is a TU basketball player. HE says he has been studying the Koran for 18 months. He was curious knowing more about Jesus. We are going to take him out to eat ti chat more. Please pray for him. The night got even better! We met up with Rich. We have ministered to him in the past. He is a desert storm veteran. He was also a Well known HS volleyball coach. He has lots of accomplishments. Yet, the drugs have taken over his life. He was broken last night. He had not used meth in 3 days. We went through the Gospel at length with him. He explained that his sister would let him stay on her couch, to help him off the streets. He began to get quite emotional. He says he was ready to trust the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He cried out to Jesus last night in SAVING FAITH ! He acknowledged his Sinful state and asked Jesus to save him!! Praise God ! We got him to his sisters house in Claremore! The Lord REIGNS! HE honors HIS WORD! The night got even better when we were able to read a text (attached screenshot). Shannon is a lady we met on the streets about 8 years ago. She was going to the Tulsa welding school along with some friends from Arizona. She got saved on the bus and was baptized at Arrow Heights. The Lord has been working in her life. She now has a son. She is plugged into a church in Arizona. The Lord is so Faithful. HE is always working!! HE gets the glory for all of this! Keep pressing on ! It is worth it!