Got to Share the Gospel
A few names from last on the bus. Avon, JD, Eric ,Chevy, Jamar, Robyn, Ryan , Christian, Shawn and many more. The night started out pretty strange. Lots of thundering, clouds, etc. Then the bus started acting up. The Lord had a plan! We were able to spend the evening ministering to lots of people. We picked up 4 teenagers and gave them a ride to an apartment complex. They heard the Gospel while we drove to their friends apartment. We gave them Pizza to share with all their friends at a birthday party. We ended up staying in the same complex the majority of the evening. Everyone loved the pizza, water, and prayer. Sone of their children were given bibles. We got to hear their stories. We got to hear about what God has been doing in their lives. More importantly, we got to share the gospel with numerous people. We are thankful for that. We were able to give a lady a ride to North Tulsa. Please pray for her sobriety. She struggles with methamphetamines. Please pray for her to be Saved. The Lord continues to show his face every Thursday night. It never gets old, watching him work. When we thought the evening was going to be cut short by an electrical issue, God did HIS thing ! The bus stayed running! The ministry opportunities began to present themselves! The rain held off until we pulled back into the parking lot at 9 pm. The Lord is so faithful!