
How the Lord works!!  We hit the streets last night, and the Lord showed up! We met up with so many people. Relationships continue to be built with people that we have met in the past. Yet, the one that stands out is Skye. She was a young lady who was broken. Her life changed last night. She gave her life to Jesus. She became a Christian. A follower of Jesus. She surrendered to the one who has the power to save her from HER SINS! Praise HIM! The Lord sent us Javier and Chris once again. These two guys are brothers. One is 36 and the other one is 34. They have been on the streets together for years. They are both on fentanyl. We have ministered to them in the past. They are always very receptive to what we have to say. They are always extremely thankful. We began to talk about their lives. They got quite emotional. They explained how embarrassed they are for the life that they have chosen. They explained how embarrassed they are for not seeing their children in years. They explained  how they feel like failures. They explained how they live in fear. Fear of failure. We explained that Jesus loves them. We explained that Jesus died for them. We explained that Jesus will forgive them. We explained that there is HOPE in Christ. We explained that fear comes from the enemy. We explained that the enemy wants them to die. Satan is all about destroying lives. The enemy offers ZERO HOPE. We explained that they are playing Russian roulette, every single time they inject that needle. Please, please, please pray for these two young men. Please pray that they call us. They seem to migrate all over Tulsa. We’ve been running into them for years now. They  are not well. They are extremely thin. Their bodies are deteriorating. Please pray for them to surrender to KING JESUS. We have plenty of resources to help them. However, they have to want to help themselves. Please pray for Skye as she begins this new journey with Christ. Please pray for all of the other ministering opportunities that are going on behind the scenes. The Lord is moving in so many lives. HE RESCUES! HE SNATCHES people from hell! HE REIGNS! Let’s go !!!!!