New Faces

Last night on the bus was great. We met so many new faces… From the lady who has been on the streets for 3 months to another guy for 9 years. Trammel, was the first guy we interacted with last night. He was a very nice guy. He struggles with meth. He is 54 years old. No children. He says he knows the Lord. We asked him his favorite place to eat, and he said 3 tequilas. So we will be taking him for some dinner soon. Please pray for him. We also met Dewaan. He is not homeless. He was just heading home from work. We were able to have a good conversation with him. His dad is a local pastor in the area. The Lord also sent Darin to us. He is 33 years old. He has been homeless for 9 years. He has two children. He requested prayer for a job. Please pray for him to get sober! Pray for him to be drawn to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We also picked up Bruce, he was very nice guy. He came to Tulsa to check the casinos out. He was from Las Vegas. He wanted a ride to a local truck stop. His buddy is a long distance truck driver, and was going to give him a ride home. We were able to pray with Bruce. He was very thankful for the ride and pizza. Lastly, we met Angel. She just got released from the hospital for a major hip surgery. She is now back on the streets. She emotionally explained how life has been for the past 3 months. Please pray that she calls us. Please pray for the others to reach out as well. The Lord will do the miraculous. HE rescues souls from Darkness. HE REIGNS!