Playing Russian Roulette
Last night on the bus was a hot one. However, the Lord showed up as usual. We were able to minister to so many out of the streets. There were lots of new faces. Please pray for Celeste. She says she knows Jesus as her Savior. She is on a dead-end road out there. Drugs and prostitution will never satisfy. Also, please pray for Alexander. Last week he was in a distance from us. He was involved in a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend. He was high on meth. This week he was not as high. We were able to talk to for a little while. His life is in shambles. His mom died five months ago and left him her house. He chooses to live on the streets. He is addicted to fentanyl. We were able to tell him about so many people we knew who have died from drug overdoses. He said he is not that “lucky”. He ate lots of pizza. He refused a Bible. He refused to be prayed for. He is also on a dark road. Please pray for everyone we encountered last night. It is hot out there. The drugs these people are doing is like playing Russian roulette every day. So many of these people are close to death. They have not taken care of the temple that God has given them. The human body can only take so much abuse. Please pray for them to surrender to the ONE, who has the power to rescue them from death. Thankful for all who came out to serve with us. Thankful for all who donate every week. Thankful for everyone who prays for this ministry. Thankful for Jesus who orchestrates every Thursday night! HE REIGNS!