Generational Curses
How the Lord works!! We hit the streets last night and the Lord showed up like usual! We immediately met a young kid named, Xavier. He was 15 years old. He was out walking home with his dad. He confided in us that he wanted to see the generational curses broke with him. He did not want to be a drug addict like his parents and grandparents, he said “I want my kids one day to see something different”. It was powerful. Please pray for Xavier. He was very thankful for the Bible and pizza. Lord willing he will be in a local church this Sunday. We are partnered with a church in his neighborhood. We also encountered lots of Hispanic folks! One guy had his kids in a bike trailer. By the Grace of God we had two people with us who spoke Spanish! The kids devoured lots of pizza! Very powerful. We had great witnessing opportunities last night. One guy was explaining that he “had just prayed for food to be provided for him”. Then we pulled up! Praise God !! We could use some more Hispanic Bibles! The Lord continues to show HIS glory every week! Thankful for all who support this ministry! HE is on the throne !