Crazy Night
How the Lord works!!! It was a crazy night !!! The night started out pretty wild. As we left our pick up stop, a car full of dudes pulled up next to us. One guy had a joint out the window. He wanted us to have it. We declined. They wanted some pizza and followed us for a while. Then they diverted into a neighborhood. Pray for those dudes! Next, we got the pizzas and hit the streets. The Lord was moving! We met a sweet lady walking with her son (Danni and Jude). They had just prayed for an ice cream truck to come by. Well, the Lord used us as the ice cream truck. We ended up at Braums and getting some ice cream. Bobbi has 5 months of sobriety and lives in a sober house. She got baptized on Easter! She was so thankful. God gets the glory! Yet, the highlight of the evening took place when we dropped them off. A car was following us through her neighborhood. We pulled over to talk to them. Their names were Adam and Aimee. They are recently engaged. They both lost their moms recently. Adam was quite emotional when talking about his mother. He became more emotional when we started to talk about God. His mother had told him on her deathbed that she wanted him to get right with the Lord. He lost his mother in January of this year. He said that he had been thinking about what she had told him since that day. We began to share the Gospel with him. We talked about the church. We began to talk about the love of Christ. We began to talk about our need of Jesus to redeem us of our Sins. He began to weep more. He trusted Jesus last night in saving faith!! He surrendered to Jesus on a sidewalk in some Tulsa neighborhood. It all started by a lady praying for an Ice Cream truck to come by. The Lord is so faithful. HE orchestrated people strategically!! HE always shows up. HE can use anyone !! HE gets the glory for the night! Please pray for Adam as he begins this new journey with the Lord. Please pray for Bobby that she will stay on course and remain sober. Please pray for all of the others we met last night out on the streets. HE REIGNS!