She wants a breakthrough
Last night on the bus was incredible. We met with some teenage kids, who were walking home. We were able to give them some pizza, bibles and pray with them. Next, we picked up Jonathan. He graduated from Broken Arrow high school last year. He was extremely intelligent. He was taking classes to become a pilot. He loves Jesus. He was thankful for the ride to the store. We then headed down 11th St. We met a very nice young lady (Julie). She is involved in prostitution and struggles with addiction. She has been on the streets for one year. She became very emotional talking about her life. She said she is so tired. She wants a breakthrough. She says she is going to call us this morning. We look forward to getting her into a program. Please pray for Julie! We also met up with Shelton again. He has been on the streets for quite some time. He is in a wheelchair. He is on methamphetamines. He can quote scripture very well. However, he admits his struggles. We met many other new faces out and about. Please pray for all of the people that we encountered. The highlight of the night happened when we dropped everyone off. We always make it a point to close the night out in prayer. Well..last night one of our teenagers had the courage to pray for the first time (out loud). Then another teenager closed the prayer. It is so powerful to see young people with such boldness. FOR HIS GLORY! See you next week.