How the Lord works !!!
We went out last night on the bus and the Lord showed up!! First, we met a lady and her daughter who have been living in a hotel. They have enough rent for one more month. She just lost her job. Her daughter is 11 years old. She has full custody. We offered her some help, yet she has some “issues” with religion. She walked off as we tried to engage in conversation. She may have some mental illness as well. Please pray for her as well as her daughter. Her daughter deserves a much better life than she is living. They are staying in a very high crime area. We met many others out on the streets last night. Lots of these people we have never met before. We are thankful for that! We met up with Yandy again. Yandy is a nice gentleman from Cuba. He suffered a brain injury many years ago. Then most recently he got ran over. When we met him months ago he was in a wheelchair. Then we saw him progress to a cane. The last time we saw him the cane was gone! Last night he was on a bicycle! He was very excited to show us that he knew how to ride a bike now. We are going to get him a new bicycle. Please for all of the others we met last night. Please pray for salvation to come upon their lives. Please pray for them to surrender their pride to the ONE who has the power to save them! HE will deliver them from their self destruction of addiction. We are thankful for the opportunities that God has opened up for us to minister to people. Please pray for all of those that we met. Please pray that they would surrender to the one who has the power to save them from themselves. The Lord will do it. He is faithful. His word is TRUTH. HE promises that HE never leave us or forsake us. One more thing…Jesus has “issues” with religion as well. HE came from the heavens to have a relationship with us. This relationship is God-made! Religion is man-made. Christ came to deliver from the power of SIN. HE came to offer eternal Life WITH HIM FOREVER. HE is the author of TRUE HOPE. Humans will fail you! CHRIST WILL NOT! HE is faithful to the ends of the earth ! Getoutofthebus.org