Joseph’s Night
It was a night of Joseph’s on the bus! We went a different route last night, and the Lord did what HE always does. The first person we met was Joseph. He is 26 years old. His mom left him and his brothers when he was 16. She left the state with a new boyfriend, leaving him and his brothers to figure life out. His dad was absent as well. So at 16 years old, he was a high school student living on his own with a friend. Eventually, the expenses became a little too high, and he dropped out of high school. He has been on his own ever since. He’s been trying to find his way. Soon after his mother left, his older brother committed murder. He got life in prison. His other brother is now married and lives in Stillwater. We asked Joseph how we can pray for him, and he said pray for his “loneliness”. He became emotional. He lives in a hotel with his dog. He is a drug free. He has a job at a steel plant. He just did not have a Drivers License to get into better housing situation. He recently got a valid ID.. Please pray for Joseph. He says he wants to go to church this Sunday. We plan on picking him up. We met many others at the same location last night. There were two more guys named “Joseph” there. The people kept coming to us for food. We were able to pray with so many people last night. There are so many people in Tulsa hurting. There are so many broken lives. Yet, the Lord is working in the midst of chaos. With God disorder and chaos will give way to order and peace! HE REIGNS! Please pray for all these people. The Lord is in the heart restoration business. HE makes all things new! One more thing, take your family to the Hispanic desert place @ 31 st and Garnett (next to Little Caesars).. incredible desserts.