Sober Life
How the Lord works! Last night on the bus was incredible. The highlight of the evening was being joined by Jonathan. We have know him for about 8 years now. He was on the streets for almost 15 years. He has been a drug addict since he was a teenager. He is now 38 years young. He has been in and out of prison the past few years. He has been On and off the streets the past few years. Well… he called us this week and said he wanted to join us on the bus. He now has been sober for 11 months !! He has lived in a sober house for 11 months! He is employed. He is Celibate. He doesn’t want any of the distractions in his life. He wants the sober life. He is actively involved in recovery meetings. Jonathan was pouring into people on the streets last night! He used to be just like them! The Lord changed his life! He surrendered to Jesus and the Lord took the reigns of his life. The Lord took his burdens. The Lord is so patient. The Lord’s Grace is sufficient in our weakness. The Lord’s timing is not out timing. There were so many nights that we poured into Jonathan and nothing (we thought) was happening. Yet, Gods timing is not our timing. That is why HE is God and we are not. The seeds planted all those years in Jonathan’s life have grown. God gives the increase. HE is on the throne and a rewarder of those who seek HIM. So when you think nothing is happening and someone is a lost cause.. think again. God can do the miraculous! HE is in the heart transplant business! Please pray for Jonathan as he continues this journey. Please pray for all of the others we ministered to last night. They heard Jonathan’s testimony firsthand ! A testimony cannot be denied. A transformed life cannot be denied. Jesus gets the glory. HE reigns! Oh, one more thing…Check out that wheelie!! Just another Thursday night in Tulsa. Join us and you will see amazing things happen! The Lord is faithful!