Jesus Came to Rescue Us
Last night on the bus was absolutely incredible. We were joined by a gentleman whom we have been ministering to for about six months. The Lord has been doing amazing things in his life. He was previously living in a tent. He now has a great paying job, his own place to live, his own bedroom, and so much more. Yet, here is what is incredible. He is talking to his children. He has not spoken to them in years!!! The Lord is faithful. Lord willing he willing he will see them soon! Lord willing this gentleman will be baptized soon! We met so many new faces on the streets last night. Terrel, Letora, Eric, Kenny, Emanuel, Arthur, are a few of their names. There was also another guy named Clint. His story is touching. He was previously homeless four years ago. He was out last night helping a friend who is currently homeless. When we began to talk with him, he shared his story. A retired Tulsa Police officer began to minister to him on the streets. The retired cop was 80 years old at the time. The cop allowed him to live in his house, and Clint would help him with daily tasks. He called this gentleman by his initials, RC. He explained that RC is now in a rehabilitation center and he requested that we pray for RC.. he began to get very emotional when he described what the police officer meant to him. His story reminds us of the fact that Jesus came to rescue us when we were at our lowest point in our life. RC displayed the same grace and mercy that Jesus does to us every day. Very powerful. The Lord continues to show his face every week on the streets in Tulsa. HIS Grace and Mercy abounds more and more each day. We are thankful for everyone who came out last night. We are thankful for all who support this ministry. We are thankful for those who pray for this ministry. HE HAS RISEN.