Interesting Night
Last night on the bus was interesting.. yet the Lord showed up as usual. We began the night with no keys for the bus. The place we store it at had them misplaced. The Lord still had a plan. We began a caravan of cars to 11th and Garnett. We met lots and lots of new faces. Patrick , Miguel, Cora, Kathryn , and Tristan are just a few of the names. Patrick stands out the most from the evening. He does Fentanyl every single day of his life. He has been on it for the past 18 months. He smokes it. He was brutally honest about his addiction. He knows his days are limited if he continues down the path he is on. He walks with a severe limp. He injured his leg a few years back, and it required surgery. Then it was broken again and got infected. It got better and now it’s flared up again. He explained that he “medicates himself with the Fentanyl”. It was sad to see. We gave him options for getting help. He has our phone number. Please pray for Patrick. He says he was saved at 21 years old in Prison. He is now 43. He was thankful for the Uber ride to his destination. He left with a full meal. We met many others last night. They all have their story. God has a plan for each one of their lives. Please pray they would surrender to God’s will for their life. Lots of these people are on their own path to destruction. The Lord knows what’s best for them. HE reigns!