Over 250 Turkeys!
2023 Turkey drive in the books! There were so many stories! There were so many people prayed for! Over 250 turkeys were given away. The people were so thankful! We heard some very touching stories last night. One lady and her son explained how it’s been a very rough year. Her other son passed away 2 months ago and then her nephew 2 days after that. They were both in their early 30’s. She explained how she is struggling with her faith in God. We were able to talk with her at length about eternity and seeing her son and nephew again. She left encouraged! Yet, two things stood out the most. First, Tiara showed up. We have not seen her in quite some time. We know her from the streets. She showed up to serve and hold a “Free Turkeys” sign. She had been homeless a very long time. She has lost all of her kids to DHS. Well…. she is now off the streets and living with her Grandma. She apparently goes to church (Kaleo) often!!! So powerful. Secondly, Simon showed up. We met him as a 12 year old nearly 7 years ago. He was saved on the bus back then. He was Baptized @ 13! He is now 19! The Lord is doing big things in his life! He graduated high school! He and his mom are the only ones to get a HS diploma In his family. He is in truck driving school. He is breaking the generational curse of alcoholism in his family. The Lord is always working behind the scenes!! We are so thankful for all who came out to serve. We are so thankful for all who donated the funds for Turkeys. We are thankful for Kaleo church for always partnering with us. We are thankful for Kaleo church members always loving people “right where they are in life”. We are thankful for Jesus and HIS GRACE that abounds more and more each day. HE is always faithful! Bless you! Getoutofthebus.org