Never Gets Old!
This guy was saved about 3 months ago. His life has had some crazy twists and turns. He was homeless. This guy has been working with me doing odd jobs etc. One of the things I have him do is clean out campers that I buy. Last week I had him clean out a trailer for me. He found a bag of weed, a meth pipe, needles, paraphernalia, and a large nearly full bottle of vodka among many other items. He reached out to me immediately to inform me. He didn’t disappear and get high or drunk. That’s what God does! HE delivers! Then I get this text (below) today !
This Never gets old! Jesus delivers! Money back guarantee! Thankful for the LIVING God, Jesus Christ. HE is still rescuing the lost out of the Darkness. Thankful for Lifegate Ranch pouring into this man for the past 60 days! Just give me Jesus!