Different Night
Last night on the bus was a little different. There were not many people out on the streets. We were able to minister to just a few people. Aubrey, Christian, a lady, and another gentleman. Aubrey rode with us. He had a familiar story. He struggles with drug use. He accepted Christ @ eight years old. He said he has been “back sliding”. He has already called us today. We are going to help him get his ID. He wants to get back to living life. We dropped him off at his dads house. We ended the evening at a gas station @ 21st and Sheridan. It was definitely a different environment. Lots of craziness over there. There was a few people trying to create problems while pumping gas.. Armed security guards chasing shoplifters… and the list goes on. There was a Gentleman there with a service dog, and he was armed with a firearm…The service dog was a shih tzu??? Interesting combo. Yet, the Lord remains faithful amongst the chaos of life! Please Pray for Aubrey and the others! The Lord is on the throne!