Life Can Take Drastic Turns
2023-8-24 Bus Ministry
Caleb was with us from last week. Praise God. The Lord has gotten him a second job! Lord, willing, he will be off the streets very soon!  It was awesome to see him serving others on the streets, even though he lives in a tent. 23 years old. Non-drug user. Yes, it happens!!!  Life can take drastic turns very quickly! We met many new faces. Here is a quick summary!
Donivon- has resources, did not want to talk about Christ
La Shawn- came from Louisiana, been out here for 3 years. Gave him a ride to downtown.
Danny-? Fast paced dude …
Dwayne- stubborn heart. Has trouble believing and some trouble reading.
Cassandra-on the streets for ten years. Wants to get off the streets. Wasn’t specific about her age and the why (to get off the streets)..
Sandra- on streets Seven years…Wants to be reunited with her two grown sons as well as get off the streets. She stated that she wants a job, and phone..
Peanut-Just last month got out from jail. He is native. They lost his info,but yet, they send a check to his wife. He wants his life back. We prayed for his safety/needs as well as his soul.
Please pray for all of the above. All of these people have different situations. Yet, most importantly, they all need Jesus. We all need Jesus! We are hopeless without HIM. Also, if anyone has a room for rent, the ministry would love to pay you!!!. We are.looking for a place for Caleb! He is a hard worker. He works at Lowe’s full-time. He is a non-drug user. He wants a chance at life. He has had a very rough childhood that rolled into his adult years. He knows Jesus. He wants to serve HIM. He is extremely appreciative. We have plenty of sober living houses that we could put him at. However, we don’t want him in that environment. He’s been around family members struggling with drugs and alcohol his whole life. We are looking for a quiet, peaceful place for him, If anyone has a room/studio apartment/ garage apartment in the Tulsa area…Please message us… Thanks in advance ! Bless you!