August 16,1985
Bus summary last night… it was a great night. Ronnie stood out the most.. he remembered the extact day he got hooked on Crack Cocaine.. August 16,1985. He has been on it ever since.. he is now 64 years old. The only time he has not been on it is when he incarcerated. He has been to prison 8 times.. extremely nice guy and very forthcoming about his struggles. He burns through 4K a month on crack. He gets disability from the military. The crack does not love him. The enemy wants to destroy his life. It is a blessing that he is still alive. The Lord will do the almighty change in his life, however Ronnie must surrender. He has to want to live. Please Pray for Ronnie as well as all of the others listed below. We are delivering a bicycle to Caleb this morning. He is excited. The Lord is working. Thankful for all who came out with last night. Thankful for all who donate every week. Thankful for Jesus who came to set the captives free.
Kirk- Did time twice. Been out 1 month. Has one son, he is 52. From Florida.
Kyle- Senior in HS, 18. Plans to go to the Army.
Jade- very young, 3 kids. Prostitute, she said she was a believer
Tyler- 1 daughter. Was chasing down a prostitute
Ronnie- crack cocaine since August 16,1985, ex military. Married 4 years. Live in their vehicle
Delta- has two kids 12 and 5 her dad has her kids. Used to have addiction, she said she just smokes weed now. Christian.
Mazy- is a conformist she doesn’t drink or smoke. She is a health coach. She has 2 grown married kids. She wants to be off the streets.she is 51.
Caleb- needs a bike, works at Lowe’s. Lives behind church in a tent. No drugs. Was saved when he was 18. Mom is in local drug program.
Samuel- from Louisiana, he is a regular on the streets. Not hard on drugs but does drugs.
James- believer but not really there with salvation. Seen him at the car wash. 48 years old, said he has no one but his dog.