Playing Russian Roulette
We met lots of new faces last night on the bus. A few of these names are Daniel, Chris, and Jermaine. Daniel recently checked himself out of rehab. He is back on fentanyl. he is struggling. He has been on fentanyl for three years. He has two children (14,10). We gave him options. He has to want to do this. He is playing Russian roulette with his life every time he smokes that stuff.
Next, we met Chris. Chris is a very nice guy. He began his life in the foster care system and then went to the prison system. Now he is 40 years old. He has been out for three years. He is trying to get off meth. He was very nice. He was very knowledgeable on the word of God. We gave him a ride all the way out to 81st and Lewis. We met Jermaine outside of the Walmart there. He was a very nice gentleman. He was so humble. He was so thankful. He is working at Braums. He is homeless. He is working on getting another job so he can afford his own place. We are so thankful for all of these people God sends us. Please pray for all these people by name. God knows their story. He will rescue from the dominion of darkness. Please pray for them to submit to God’s will over their lives. Please pray for lives to be changed. Please pray for these men to be kept safe. Please pray for them to call on the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is mighty to deliver.