Rough Spot
Incredible night on the bus last night. Sometimes it’s not what happens out on the streets…but what happens when the night begins. We were joined last night by an individual who now has years of sobriety off of heroin. Someone had reached out to the Ministry years ago to see if we could help her. She was in a rough spot in life. She had just been homeless and was about to lose custody of her daughter. BUT GOD!!!! She brought her 10-year-old daughter last night. She is now thriving! She is currently working as a school teacher! Yet, here is what also happened! She brought a very young teenager with her last night. She attends NA meetings with her. She is now her sponsor. This teenager struggles with Meth and has already been victimized by sexual trafficking. She now has 15 days of sobriety. Sad stuff! Please pray that this young girl/and her parents will be open to her getting long-term help. The road ahead will be very tough. She has already been exposed to so much. We met lots of new faces on the streets last night. It was powerful to see this lady ministering to the addicts on the streets. A person’s testimony speaks volumes to someone who is struggling. It gives them HOPE! There is HOPE in CHRIST! HE delivers! Please pray for all of these people who joined us last night on the bus, as well as all of the people we encountered on the streets. There are so many people out there carrying burdens that are so heavy! Their lives are weighed down by guilt and shame. BUT GOD rescues! HE calls us to COME to HIM when we are WEARY and HEAVY LADEN. HE will usher in true REST! HE is the Author of HOPE. A HOPE that will not disappoint. HE promises never to leave us or forsake us. Meth and other drugs are lifetakers, while CHRIST IS A LIFE GIVER!