Helping Meet Needs
Last night on the bus was incredible. We picked up John and Misty. We met John about eight months ago, and he was on meth very badly. He would not talk to us. He wanted nothing to do with us! Well, now he has been clean now for one month. They recently went to jail for sleeping on someone’s private property with all their belongings. Their dogs are now at the pound. We are working on getting their dogs out for them. We will also be getting John his ID. He has a job offer at dollar general. Please pray for this couple. They have been married for four years. They have a long road ahead of them. They are both believers. We also met up with Javier and Chris. They were previously homeless when we saw them last. They are so thankful to be off the streets. They requested prayer for everything to continue to work out for them. The Lord also sent us a cyclist name Zane. He was out riding his bike. He stopped and ate some pizza with us and talked for a bit. We are going to try to go bicycling with him. He made a donation to the ministry right there on the spot! He has lots of questions about Jesus. Please pray for him as well. We met many others out on the streets last night. The Lord continues to provide the right people, in his perfect timing!! HE is faithful!