Another Veteran
Great night on the bus. Once again we encountered another veteran. He is 33 years old. He is also a graduate of a well known local aeronautics program. He and his wife are addicted to heroin. They have been married for 6 years. 5 out of those 6 they have been on heroin. They are homeless. God orchestrated the evening. We had our military career counselor with us! The Lord is moving! Please pray for this couple! Pray specifically for them to reach out to us for help. They have to want it. We met many others out on the streets. We were able to give “Eric” a ride. He was handicap..and it looked like his jaw has been broken in the past. He shuffled as he walked with his cane. He moved sloooooww! He had a hard time opening his mouth to talk. He was very very very thankful for a ride. We also met a Hispanic lady and man. They are too homeless. They knew no English. The ladies family had died in a car accident and she has no one here in States. We also just “happened” to have one of our servants with us who speaks fluent Spanish!! That’s How the Lord works!!! Please pray for all of those that we encountered last night. Please pray for Christ to rescue from the dominion of darkness. Please pray for those who need help to reach out ! The Lord will DO IT! HE will be glorified! Also if anyone wants to donate Spanish bibles we would be grateful! Bless you!