Lot of Teens on the Streets
Last night on the bus was incredible. There were lots of teenagers out and about on the streets. Some of them were coming home from football practice while others were walking home with their friends. We were able to minister to lots of them. They were very thankful for the pizza. We met a gentleman named Caden. He was on his bicycle. He is 18 years old. He has had a very troubled life. He has already been incarcerated, stabbed, shot, homeless and list goes on.. He struggles with drug addiction. He was very honest about his life. We were able to share the gospel with him. We talked about how Jesus can rescue him from the dominion of darkness. we talked about SIN. We talked about what faith looks like. We talked about THE living Savior…Jesus Christ. At this point he was listening intently. He surrendered his life to him last night! HE made Jesus LORD of his life. Please pray for Caden as well as all of the others we met last night. The night was very powerful. We ended the evening by feeding a few families who were tending to a broke down vehicle. They were able to get it started and get home. They were so thankful! The Lord is so faithful! HE gets the glory for the night! HE saves!