A La Noche del Ministerio a Los Hispanos
Last Night on the bus was incredible. We were joined by lots of young adults. One of them spoke Spanish fluently. We hit the streets and met many new faces. Lots of Hispanics! That’s how the Lord works! There were lots of Hispanic Families in a park and we were able to minister to them. They were so thankful for the pizza. We met a couple on the streets named Summer and Francisco. They have been on the streets for about three years. They struggle with Meth. We were able to share the gospel with them last night. They have decisions to make. Please pray for their salvation. We also met John.. John is not homeless. John works as a machinist and does street evangelism. Very nice guy. He puts up his sign and just stands there prepared to talk to people. He just wants to love people and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ. He has 2 years of sobriety. He moved here from the Bronx. He said that Tulsa is a mission field and he felt led to come here. He had heard About Tulsa and the program that John 3:16 offers for women. He had a lady friend in New York whom he sent down here to get into that program. He did not hear from her for quite some time so he came down to Oklahoma to check on her. He has been here ever since. HE was so joyful. HE is so thankful for Jesus..who rescues from the dominion of darkness! We met many more people last night. The Lord is definitely moving on the streets of Tulsa. So thankful for everyone who prays for this ministry every week! So thankful for everyone who supports this ministry every week! The Lord is so faithful!