Building Relationships
Last night was all about building relationships on the bus. We hit the streets with lots of teenagers from Arrow Heights Baptist. Then God did this! We got a call from the teenagers who are homeless. We picked them up at a local quick trip. That’s how the Lord works! HE planned the perfect opportunity for teenagers to pour life into other teenagers. We also met Chris and Angie while getting gas. They were in a tough spot in life. They are not homeless. They are just struggling financially, physically, and spiritually. We were able to feed them, get them some fuel, and pray with them. The Lord is faithful. We also met a Hispanic couple walking their dogs. We just “happened” to have a teenager who spoke Spanish with us. Another relationship being built! Amen! The Lord always sends just the right people in HIS perfect timing! Please pray for all of these teenagers. They desperately need Jesus! They have very little direction. The streets of Tulsa can be dangerous. They have lots of decisions to make. It all starts with a surrender to Jesus! We have lots of stuff happening in Ministry right now. We have refugees whom we have been ministering to. They are in need of a washer and dryer still. We have had some donations come in.. yet we still are short. If you would like to donate towards a washer and dryer for them that would be incredible. We want to buy them a brand new set. They have been washing their clothes in the bathtub and drying them out on the patio. The Lord WILL provide. Thank you for all who pray for us! Thank you for all who support the ministry financially! HE is faithful!