Already Changing
How the Lord works! We took the bus out last night and it was incredible. We were joined by a gentleman who was with us last week. We shared the gospel with him upon meeting. And we have some exciting news. He gave his life to Christ Wednesday night this week. He is already changing. The Lord is working in his life. He will be going to the Celebrate Recovery meeting tonight with one of our guys. We also picked up a young lady name Angel. She rode with us all evening. She has been on the streets for five years. She is a new grandma. She wants to get clean. She has been through all kinds of trials and tribulations. She is 35 years old and her name is Angel. Please pray for Angel. Please pray for Angel to surrender every compartment of her life to Jesus. She say she knows him. Please pray that she would call us. We met many more new faces last night. The Lord is moving in so many lives. In other news, we ended up almost losing our bumper last night. We are thankful that we always have a mechanic on board. The old Bus is faithful. Lord willing, we will be getting a newer bus soon. We are working with the insurance company In regards to our other bus. We are thankful for everyone who continues to pray for Bus Ministry. We are thankful for this new believer! Be in prayer for Johnny. The Christian life is not easy. It is a Life worth living. The Lord rescues from the dominion of darkness. HE is faithful!