Run Away
Great night on the bus. The weather was nice even though it rained. Tulsa needed the rain! We began the evening on 11th street. We met a young lady working the streets. One of our ladies briefly poured into her life..She was in quite a hurry. Next, we picked up some teenagers and a 20 year old lady. They were trying to get to their car @ 61st and Garnett. The teens were 17 years old, they basically ran away from Missouri. They are now here and trying to figure life out. The 20 year old girl is the sister of one of the teens. She was very interested in hearing about Jesus. She was nervous amongst all the people on the bus. She said “she has no peace”. We were able to basically spend the whole evening ministering to these 3 individuals. We found a parking lot and just sat there while it poured buckets of rain. The teenagers are living in their car along with another friend. The 20 year old lives with her boyfriends mom. We are working through all of this to get them situated in stable housing. They have contacted us today regarding obtaining clothing and food. We have our team taking them shopping tomorrow. We also have given them frozen meals until tomorrow. We are thankful for Prep’d In Tulsa for always keeping us Stocked up on meals for the less fortunate!!! We are thankful for all of your support this past week with our other bus being vandalized. The Lord is working through that situation. The detectives are working hard too. Please pray for the kids to know Jesus. It’s either Jesus or the prison system at a later age. Please pray for the teens and this young lady we met last night. They are all at a crossroads in life. A crossroads where Jesus waits to be known by them. Pray for their lives to be eternally changed for HIS glory. HE will do it. HE is faithful!