Two Ladies
Last night on the bus was great. We were joined by two ladies who use to serve with us every week. They are incredible people. The Lord used them in a mighty way. We met so many new faces on the streets last night. It was quite hot out. We are thankful that we were able to give out ice cold water to those in need. We are thankful for all the donations of hygiene products that came in last week. We needed them tremendously. We are thankful for all the Bible donations that came in last week. We were able to hand out so many Bibles last night. There are so many people in need right now. People are in desperate need of hope. A TRUE HOPE that can only be found in Jesus Christ. The highlight of the night was a lady finding us at the gas station. This is a lady whom we’ve ministered to in the past. She now works at a local restaurant in the area. The Lord has done a mighty work in her life. She now has almost 2 years of sobriety. She is concerned that she is pregnant. She does not want another child nor can she afford another child right now. We spoke to her at length regarding adoption options. She says that abortion is NOT an option. Praise God! Please pray for her as we navigate through this process. We also had a nice kid serving with us last night. He was ordered by the courts to do community service. He Has been a tremendous help these past weeks for us. He has helped us deliver furniture to a lady who got a new apartment…He has also been throughly cleaning our other bus (vandals decided to spray a fire extinguisher throughout the entire bus). We are thankful for him helping us. Thankful for all who support this ministry. Thank you for all who pray for this ministry. The Lord continues to work every week. Please pray for all of these folks we encountered. Please pray for this young lady and this possible pregnancy. Pray for the Lord to rescue people from the dominion of darkness. HE CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!