Servanthood! Last night this was on full display! We almost immediately met Anna and Mark. They came aboard the bus. We were able to minister to them for at least an hour. It was very powerful. Mark has been on meth for three years. He is 30 years old. His girlfriend Anna has been on heroin for nine years. She is 40 years old. She has five daughters. She last saw her daughters four years ago. She has been homeless now for 3 years. She was on heroin last night when we were ministering to her. She had used about one hour prior. She was listening intently and weeping. She has an active warrant that is out of state. she does not want to go to prison. She poured out her whole life story to us. It was quite sad. She began her first struggle with anorexia through high school. Then she turned to alcohol. This is where she did her first rehab stent. A few years at a high school she got into cutting herself. Life began to spiral out of control. Failed marriage etc. She has now lost custody of all five of her daughters. Her husband is remarried to a lady that they call mom now. she misses her daughters. She just kept crying. One of our ladies on the bus gave her story. Her sister has 16 years clean off of heroin. Her husband also has 13 years clean from IV drugs . She invited her this evening to a Celebrate Recovery meeting where she can get a hot meal and interact with people who care about her. This is the first step. People will be intentional in her life and that’s exactly what she needs. She was so thankful. She gave me a hug and did not want to let go. Please pray for Mark as well. He is definitely not ready to surrender to Jesus. Anna is close. However, Anna is also close to death. She has been playing Russian roulette for a long time with heroin. She is still a beautiful woman inside and out. The Lord will rescue her from the dominion of darkness. We have seen it happen. Please pray for this couple. We minister to many others last night. I personally was very touched by the evening. Our servants went above and beyond last night. The Lord used them in a mighty way. We encountered two people with broke down vehicles at the auto parts store. They were both stranded. Our guys were able to get their cars up and running. Very powerful. This is true servanthood….Just simply serving people right where they are in life. these people were so thankful. One of the gentleman was explaining he had no clue how to fix his car and gas was leaking everywhere. One of our mechanics was able to repair the gas line on his vehicle. One of our other servants bought him a nice jack that he can use for future endeavors. We were able to pray with all these people last night. We were able to hand out Bibles and hygiene packs and other necessities. Yet, more importantly we are able to share the gospel with a few people last night. People are in desperate need of help. People are in desperate need of a living Savior named Jesus. He changes lives daily for eternity. The Lord showed up in a mighty way last night!! HE always does. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for imperfect people with servant hearts. it was powerful to see! thankful for people who donate the funds to allow this to happen every week. The Lord knows you by name. We are looking forward to what the Lord will do next week. Please please pray for Anna. Pray for her to take the invitation for help today. Pray for her to answer her phone when we call. The Lord will do the impossible. HE has no limits. HIS pursuit is like no other! There is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved! JESUS SAVES!