A Very Kind Lady
This is Reyna. We met her last night on the bus. She was a very kind lady. She has been through a lot in the past few years. She stays with her cousin or at local motels. She has a voucher for housing. She lost her husband of 25 years, 3 years ago. She lost her daughter to a hit and run accident 18 months ago. Her daughter left behind a 1 month old baby. She has struggled with depression because of all of this. She explained that her husband was the love of her life. She was in a very abusive relationship prior to meeting him. She is now off the “hard street drugs”, and wants to better herself. She has a boyfriend of 3 years who has helped her tremendously. He loves Jesus and points her to HIM. She explained that about a year ago she accepted Jesus as her Savior. Wow! Amen! She told us that before we picked her up last night she had found 10 dollars on the ground. She was grasping that 10 dollar bill with excitement. She was thankful for the bus ride, pizza, prayer, and Bible. She was crying while taking with us. Please pray that we can find her a place to live. The housing demand is very high right now. Please pray for her Depression and anxiety. This housing voucher is a dream come true. She is excited to one have a place of her own. Please pray for all the others we encountered. There are so many out on the streets these days. Pray for the Lord to rescue them from the dominion of darkness. HE WILL DO IT!