Mormons on Bicycles
Last night on the bus was great. We met up with some Mormons on bicycles. We were able to converse with them for a long time and give them some pizza. They were very thankful. Next, we headed towards 11th St. and met lots of new faces. One lady was 28 years old. She has been on the streets for two years. She has lost custody of her children. She is with a guy who is no good for her. It is toxic relationship! She needs to make some decisions. We gave her options. We were able to minister to many others last night. We met a gentleman (Keith) whose son is a well known football star at Oklahoma State University. Drugs do not discriminate! They will take down whoever is willing! We were able to spend some time with Keith and discuss some options for him as well. Please pray for all of the people we encountered last night. We know the Lord is moving on hearts! We got a text message on Monday from a lady we met on the streets over two years ago. We have been wondering what had happened to her. She now lives out of state has 2 years clean off Meth!! All we can do is plant seeds. God gives the increase. Keep pressing on wherever you are in ministry. Don’t ever stop praying for the lost. Keep planting seeds! HE produces the change when one surrenders ! HE is in pursuit of rescuing souls! HE is in pursuit of transforming wicked hearts! It is easy to grow weary when we don’t physically see peoples lives being changed. Then we get a text like that! So powerful! Jesus has Risen! HIS works are all around us! HE transforms lives!