Very Cold Night
Last night was great. We met lots of people waiting for the city bus. We were able to give them rides immediately to get them out of the cold. It was quite chilly on the streets. There were many sleeping outside. It was sad to see. The Lord equipped us to give out lots of warm clothing, blankets and bibles. Everyone was very thankful for the hot pizza and bus ride! We met a gentleman on a bicycle attempting to make it to Walmart to pay a bill by 8pm. He was 65 years young, and was struggling in the cold. We are thankful that we got him to Walmart just in time to accomplish this task. We met many others last night. There were so many people out and about. The Lord continues to provide for the less fortunate. HE is on the throne! HE is a rewarder of those who diligently SEEK HIM! Thankful for all who donated this week. Thankful for all the blankets and sleeping bags! Thankful for the Double Decker bus that ran great ! The Lord is faithful! HE gets the glory!