Last Night was eventful on the bus. We attempted to take out the single level bus however it started acting up. We immediately parked it and took out the Double Decker Bus. The night began by ministering to a young couple named Keely and William. They have been on the streets for quite some time. They were extremely nice and thankful for the pizza. We gave them our phone number and bibles. they were given options to come off the streets. Next, The evening started to take a twist into being weird. We encountered two individuals who were very high, and one wanted to argue and debate. We tried to minister to them, yet it did not go real well. so they went on their way. Then within a few minutes we met another individual on the streets who we thought wanted pizza. However, upon handing him the pizza and water he proceeded to throw it and curse obscenities. Mental illness is a very real issue on the streets of Tulsa. Lots of these folks are not getting the care that they need or refuse to address/Medicate their issues. It is a very sad situation. We ended the evening ministering to a young man name Zack. He was at a store simply shopping with his friend. He was not homeless. He had just relapsed 2 days ago. He has been a drug addict for quite some time. He is supposed to leave any day for a 90 day treatment in California. He was extremely emotional. He does not want to die. He feels like he’s very close. The Gospel was shared with Zack. He was very thankful For the time that we spent with him. One of our guys went to shake his hand….And he wanted a hug. It was powerful! Please pray for Zack as well of all the others. Pray for them to surrender to the ONE who has the power to deliver from addiction.. Jesus Christ. Please pray for them to be protected from the enemies schemes. The enemy would love nothing more for Zack then for him to feel defeated, worthless and ultimately to take his life. The Lord is mighty to SAVE!