Same Names
Last night on the bus was incredible. We met two gentlemen with the name Antonio! Back to back! Then seconds later David (who serves with us), invited another gentleman aboard. His name was David too! Pretty wild! We were able to minister to these men for quite some time. Antonio (the first) was concerned about his girlfriend. She has been missing for 10 days. She is strung out on drugs and fears that she has been abducted. He is going to file a police report. We were able to give these men a ride home. They were very thankful. The Lord opened up many doors last night for us to minister to new faces. We met another gentleman who is living in a tent at 31st and Garnett. True story. He had it set up right next to the street (in the grass of a bank parking lot). This is reality for some folks. It’s sad to see. That gentleman was very thankful for a blanket and coat. He struggles with Alcohol abuse. We met many other people who were just out walking home from work or the grocery store. We were able to feed and pray with them. The Lord directed us to a apartment complex in a poverty stricken area. We ended up handing out some pizza in there. We met a nice family and invited them to one of our ministry partners church. The Lord continues to open up doors every week for us to minister to people. He always sends a wide variety of people from all different walks of life. We are thankful for his Grace and Mercy that is renewed each day. Please Pray for all of these people whom we ministered to. Pray that they accept the offer of the opportunities that we presented before them. There is help available to those who truly want it. Pray for them to you have the faith of a small mustard seed to take those first steps! The Lord awaits ! HE is faithful and mighty to deliver!